About Us
Community Centre of Grace House Organization (Grace House) is a non-religious, non-political, Cambodian-registered non-governmental organisation with registration number 580. We were formed in 2008 by Globalteer, a well-known UK-based charitable organisation, and have been supporting our local community for well over 10 years. Nowadays, Grace House is run by a dedicated team of Cambodian staff who are supported by volunteers, donors and fundraisers, and other organisations from across the globe to deliver a number of programmes vital to the community, which include: education, family support and wellbeing, and support and education for children with disabilities.
Learn more about our programmes​
Our Committee is responsible for overseeing our operations and finances, ensuring that we comply with Cambodian law, and that we operate within the guidelines stipulated by the Ministry of Interior.
Learn more about our committee
Our staff members are responsible for all operational aspects of the organisation, from running classes and visiting families, to distributing food and engaging with partner organisations and donors.
To contact Loung Chhiv, Project Manager, please e-mail:
Grace House Cambodia Trust
Grace House Cambodia Trust (“GHCT”) is a charitable organisation incorporated under the laws of England and Wales with charity number 1155678. It is regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. GHCT’s purpose is to provide, inter alia, education, family support, and education for children with disabilities for rural communities surrounding Siem Reap. In pursuit of its objectives, GHCT partners with us and we work closely together to support our local community. It aims to raise awareness of our activities, support us with fundraising, and is there to give advice on important or complex decisions. Being a major donor, GHCT is consulted on any decisions that may have a significant financial implication for us. As part of its support, GHCT requires evidence that we are complying with all applicable laws and maintaining a good standard of management, and that we have adequate and appropriate policies in place.
To contact the Trustees please e-mail: trustees@gracehousecambodia.onmicrosoft.com